So, what do you do when you don't feel like getting out there to stomp? This video stomp is in response to some of the interactions I've had with blog viewers who've talked about how they want to make some changes in their lives but don't know where to begin.
The cemetery on the corner of Main and Washington is called, simply, Lombard cemetery. It was originally called Babcock’s Grove Cemetery and it’s smack in the middle of a neighborhood of houses.
When's the last time you set out to discover a mystery?
A friend of mine called me a couple weeks ago to tell me about a small graveyard that she remembered from her days of working at Glacial Park in McHenry County, Illinois. According to her, The Thomas graveyard was nestled in the middle of this enormous state park and you had to hike to get to it. The prospect was too cool for words, so I put on my hiking boots and set out to find it, which we did.
This video caused quite a stir among my family and friends who viewed it a couple of weeks ago. They thought the details of the family's lives might unnerve people. I also began to be concerned that people might freak out when they saw this stomp. You see, the Thomas family moved to the area in the 19th century from New York to do some homesteading. They took an incredible risk and paid an unbelievably high price for it, as you'll see in the stomp. To leave the stomp at that just wasn't enough. The mystery of what happened to the Thomas family and the question, "Was the risk worth the price?" are left looming at the end of this video. So many people are afraid to take risks because they fear the consequences. Many will tell you to follow your bliss and everything will always be smooth sailing, and you will always be protected. I'm not going to insult your intelligence by saying anything like that because, as we all know, that's not always the case; as this video shows. But that's not where the lesson of this stomp lies. The price for never taking risks is to shamble like a zombie through a life half-lived and to keep from making a lasting impact.
Unfortunately, no one knows what happened to the Thomas family after they moved out of the area. There is no record of where they went. But I want you to consider this as you watch the video: two descedents of the Thomases have been found. One in Northern Illinois and one in California. If the Thomases had not taken the risk to move out here, those descendants would not be here today, nor would they be situated where they are. I think if you asked those descendants and their loved ones was the risk their ancestors took worth it, they would say, Yes, it most definitely was.
My thanks to Ricki Linnenkohl for directing me to this graveyard and to Kim Caldwell from the Priairie View education department for the background on the Thomas family.
Since the last Gravestomp got such strong reaction, I had to do this follow up stomp in Fort Hill Cemetery. People were very effected by the question, What will you be remembered for? and I can understand why. It dredges up a lot of stuff that we're very attached to: things like identity and how we see ourselves. This stomp pushes the subject further.
A Gravestomp through Fairfield Cemetery in Ela township, Lake county IL which begs the question, what do you want to be remembered for? My thanks to Sandy Coffell who watches the video blog regularly and who asked me to stomp this particular cemetery. The statue that looks like a little mole is actually a small lamb that has decayed. Sign of an infant's grave.
Author of the book, Adventures of a Gravestomper. It's not about death. It's about living.
I'm the weird guy you've heard about who uses graveyards to motivate people to take action and live life fully.
There are some who wish for you to watch television rather than commune with nature. They want you to lose yourself in movies and books rather than experience life first hand. They want you to cultivate sarcasm rather than reverence and wonder for the world and people around you. In essence: they’ve sought to cut you from the miraculous and imprison you in the mundane.
It should be all about Romance, Enthusiasm, Hope and Prosperity. If it's not you're missing the oppotunity to have one hell of a life...
What's that? You say you feel blocked? Confused? Lost? Then let's sit down for awhile and talk about it. Tell me, where in your body do you feel that feeling....